People Inside: My Thoughts & Heart Always Had Conversations

You are not you’re thoughts, you have them. How many times, as a client seeking support for mental health struggles, have you heard this or a phrase that’s similar? I know I have, and I know I am not alone! For as long as I can remember, I’ve seemed to be able to hear myself think, […]

Total Eclipse Of My Head?

It’s been a week since the solar eclipse, which in some form occurs every 18 months. However, a total solar eclipse is only witnessed in any one particular area every 400 years. This solar eclipse’s path of visibility was over Niagra Falls, which is a four to six-hour plane ride from where I live! There […]

Journals & The “Pen Papers” 

Disclaimer: Concerning the child abuse case in Utah involving Jodi Hildebrandt & Ruby Franke I am glad that Journals and documentation of the abuse were kept by the abusers and used as evidence HOWEVER many things need to be addressed! As professionals, we are expected to keep very detailed notes of client sessions and are […]

Has The Beast Been Unleashed?

Disclaimer: In no way am I attempting to call any particular individual a beast. The use of the term is merely to explain a multi-layered complex situation, the impact, and the fallout as a result. “A child that’s being abused by its parents doesn’t stop loving its parents, it stops loving itself.” Shahida Arabi It’s […]